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Document ID Title Publication datesort icon Categories
ACS/2014/TRADE.XXIX Registration Form: 29th Meeting of the Special Committee on Trade Development and External Economic Relations September 2014 all Members and Associate Members
XXII Special Committee on Disasters September 2014 all Members and Associate Members, Disaster Risk Reduction
ACS/2014/TRADE.XXIX Logistical Information: 29th Meeting of the Special Committee on Trade Development and External Economic Relations September 2014 all Members and Associate Members, Trade
ACS/2014/STWS-1/Report Workshop on Sustainable Tourism - Report and Annexes August 2014 Sustainable Tourism
ACS/2014/SCST-25/Report SCST-25 Report and Annexes August 2014 Sustainable Tourism
Declaración de Punta Cana July 2014 all Members and Associate Members
VI Summit 6th Summit FINAL Report and Annexes Eng July 2014 all Members and Associate Members
Agreement 17/96 Creation of the CTETC June 2014
Agreement 19/96 Declaration on the Transportation of Nuclear Wastes June 2014
Agreement 21/96 Agreement on Election of the Executive Board of the Ministerial Council June 2014
Agreement 23/96 Declaration on the problem of drugs June 2014
Agreement 25/96 Acknowledgment to Cuba June 2014
Agreement 02/96 Budget of the ACS for 1997 June 2014
Agreement 04/96 Adoption of the rules for the operation of the Special Fund of the Association of Caribbean States June 2014
Agreement 06/96 Admission of the Kingdom of Spain as observer to the ACS June 2014
Agreement 08/96 Admission of the Republic of India as observer to the ACS June 2014
Agreement 10/96 Admission of the Republic of Ecuador as observer to the ACS June 2014
Agreement 12/96 Amendment to Article 31 of the norms and procedures governing the Ministerial Council of the ACS June 2014
Agreement 14/96 Declaration on the Helms-Burton Act June 2014
Agreement 16/96 Establishment of the intercessional preparatory meeting June 2014