Actualités dans la Caraïbe

26 Mars
Trinidad Guardian
Mexican Foreign Minister begins working trip to Caribbean
The Sixth Summit of Heads of States and/or Government of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) takes place at the Yucatan Siglo XXI Convention Centre in Merida, Mexico from April 30. ACS Secretary General Alfonso Munera and Mexican Nobel Prize winner Mario Molina are listed...
25 Mars
South Florida Caribbean News
OAS and Association of Caribbean States Seek to Strengthen Cooperation Ties
WASHINGTON, DC - The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, met today (Monday, March 24th) with the Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), Alfonso Múnera Cavadía, with whom he discussed how to build a more...
25 Mars
Canciller Meade inicia gira de trabajo por países del Caribe
La presencia del titular de la SRE en estos países caribeños tiene como objetivo la preparación de la agenda de trabajo de la VI Cumbre de la Asociación de Estados del Caribe (AEC), que se celebrará los próximos 29 y 30 de abril en Mérida, Yucatán.
24 Mars
Caribbean Journal
OAS, Association of Caribbean States SGs Hold Talks in Washington
Organization of American States Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza and Association of Caribbean States Secretary General Alfonso Munera Cavadia held talks Monday in Washington.
08 Mars
Prensa Latina
Symposium for Caribbean Sea Protection to be Held in Cuba
Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, Mar 8 (Prensa Latina) A symposium for the protection of the Caribbean Sea will be held in the second half of 2014 in the eastern province of Santiago de Cuba said today the secretary general of the Association of Caribbean States, Colombian academician...
06 Mars
Prensa Latina
We Want Peace, Says Colombian Intellectual
Santiago de Cuba, Mar 6 (Prensa Latina) What the Colombian people want the most today is peace, said Alfonso Múnera, Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States, who is meeting with artists and authoritiers in this city today.
06 Mars
Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad Newsday
Dookeran pushes convergence
FOREIGN Affairs Minister Winston Dookeran does not miss any opportunity to push his “Caribbean Convergence theory”. He made a big deal of it when he addressed the Ministerial Council’s meeting of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) last year in Panama City.
06 Mars
Dominican Republic
Presidente de R. Dominicana asistirá a VI Cumbre Caribeña en México
El presidente de República Dominicana, Danilo Medina, viajará a México para asistir a la VI Cumbre de la Asociación de Estados del Caribe el 29 y 30 de abril en la ciudad de Mérida, estado de Yucatán, indicó hoy la cancillería mexicana.
04 Mars
Sierra Maestra
Visita Santiago de Cuba Secretario General de la Asociación de Estados del Caribe
Santiago de Cuba, 4 mar.- Este lunes llegó a aquí el señor Alfonso Muner, Secretario General de la Asociación de Estados del Caribe, AEC, quien cumplimentara importante programa de actividades en esta sur oriental ciudad.
17 Février
Guadeloupe (France)
La Guadeloupe, membre des États de la Caraïbe
La Guadeloupe est désormais membre de l'Association des États de la Caraïbe (AEC), c'est-à-dire qu'elle pourra siéger en tant qu'entité aux côtés des pays du bassin caribéen. Une décision prise en fin de semaine dernière lors du conseil des ministres à Port-...